Wednesday, June 20, 2012


'Eua map

As years goes by I came to understand and realize names and it reason of every historical site in my own island especially the island of ‘Eua. I grew up heard from others the name of Li’angaHuo ‘A Maui.
This picture shows the huge dramatic cliff way at 'Eua

 I have worried of the names. I started to search of what was happened. Maui is known as Polynesian Demi God. He is very known in the South Pacific Islands such as Tonga, Fiji, Samoa etc.
hoeing the kava plantation
        This is a true story about this God name Maui. It is all about a spectacular Natural archway which is carved out of high dramatic cliffs. It was told that one day Maui was sleeping in the middle of the island of ‘Eua. They usually have a Kava Plantation

Picture of a Kava Plantation
One time his mother wakes him up to hoe the Kava Plantation. Maui wakes up angrily because he was feeling lazy. He started hoeing the Kava Plantation so angrily. From his angrily he started an earthquake. His mother stopped him because of all the damage he was causing to the island but he couldn’t. The only way that his mother could do was to  grab the hoe from Maui’s hand.
example of the hoe 
His mother through the hoe to the South of ‘Eua. It was a surprise that the hoe ended itself into a huge dramatic cliff face.
Li'anga Huo 'A Maui
       Maui pulled out the hoe from the cliff face and it’s created the “Li’anga Huo ‘A Maui”. You may never believe this historical sites but it is very true. The hoe in the cliff face has been there long time ago. This archway actually shows how massive this would have been. Then you will have ideas of how big Maui was, let alone his mother. It’s also a saying that when you throw an object to this cliff it will jump up again. How impressed am I to see and get to know well these places of where I grew up. When you view this site it cold all of the times.
Picture of the cliff LI'ANGA HUO 'A MAUI


map of 'Eua Island
It is very interesting to grow up in the island that I am proud of it. You may ever wandered of what is it but it is the beautiful island of ‘EUA
Missionary tour to Lakufa'anga
It was really amazing to know that my mother is from Veitongo and my father is from the island of Vava’u. I sometimes question myself of where I am. But because at these little tiny of ‘EUA  which I always as the island of green and hope. Ever since I grew up I heard this name LAKUFA’ANGA. I wondered how it look like and why is it called. It is also known as one of the very famous historical site in the island. It is located on the south east end of the island of ‘Eua. It known in English as “THROW THE FA FRUIT”.
far tree at Lakufa'anga
 It is a story from long time ago. It was all about a family of seven members. All was this family had to eat was fa fruit. 
fa fruit
This is one of the famous noble and known fruit that use for making lays. Its smells good with colour red. As of this family they eat the fa fruit when it is very dry. In fact we may really wanted to eat it unless there were no food available. This was the problem of that family.
horse and the image of Lakufa'anga
Time goes by this family started to worried because they have eaten almost the fa fruit off the trees. Its came to this parent thinking that their children will be die of starvation because there were nothing more to eat inorder to survive. The parents were really sorry for their children there were nothing else to do and to think of but for them to take off their lives. This poor parents jumped off the cliffs into the sea, in order for their children to survive on what was left from the fa fruit.
ocean where the parents jump
          It was so sad for this children to lose their parents but theirwere no way to solve the problem but to take off their life. As they move along they were running out of fa to eat. They became to dieing in starvation. They did not know where else to eat and what to do because they are a children they have no choice but to follow what their parents did. They decided to jump to their death over the cliffs into the ocean.

fa tree
          The story does not end there. But as of now when you visit the area there is a saying that when you throw fa off the cliffs into the ocean in this area were the family of seven drop to their death. Their will appear and come as seven turtle. Meaning of the seven members of the family thinking that you’re throwing fa for them to eat. They have been re-incarnated into turtles. 
It is very true in now a days. People from different places who travel to ‘Eua have seen this historical site. I have experience this because I’ve seen it for almost every year.
          There is a poem of lakufa’anga with its saying:
        The Poem OfLakufa’anga
Tuakau 'ia( thefathers name)
Mo ho'ofanau (and your family)
Ha'u' 'o kaia'efa( come eat the fa)                                                               Teulakuatu( that I throw for you